Foster Dog's name
Foster Dog's name
Your name
Tell us about your foster! What do you and others love about them? What is their personality like? If you were to write their bio, what would you highlight about your foster?
What kind of activities, toys, and treats does your foster enjoy the most? What do they like to do during the day?
Please tell us about your dog’s energy level.
Lower energy: Typically enjoys resting, lower energy activities, and shorter walks (10-30 mins, 1-2 times per day), but may still have bursts of energy and playfulness Medium energy: Typically up for medium length walks (20-45 mins, twice per day), can be energetic and playful, needs appropriate metal stimulation, but also enjoys resting and calm periods Higher energy: Typically needs more attention and activity (longer walks e.g. 45 mins-1 hr twice per day, playtime, training, brain games) before they get tired out, more energetic than the average dog
How much does your foster shed?
How is your foster in the car?
Is your foster fearful/hesitant of anything? (e.g. busy areas, traffic, men, women, loud noises, stairs)
If your foster barks, when is that most likely to occur?
Describe your foster’s obedience skills. Do they know commands like sit, stay, come? Do they like practicing new commands? Do they have good recall?:
Routines / Walks
Tell us about your foster’s weekday routines! What does your foster’s typical day look like?
Is your foster left alone during the workday? If so for how long?:
Is your foster crated while you are away or do they have free roam of the home? If crated, how are they in the crate? Do they settle fast?:
How is your foster during walks? How do they react to their environment? Do they pull? How are they when passing/meeting other people or dogs?
How many walks does your foster typically get per day, and for how long?
Is your foster house trained? Will they need to be house trained in their new home?
Is your foster dog allowed on the furniture? If so, do they get off when you tell them to?
How is your foster being groomed? e.g. nail clipping, ear cleaning, teeth brushing:
Comfort Level with Others
How does your foster react when meeting new people? Approximately how long does it take for your foster to feel comfortable with new people?
How does your foster react when meeting people they’ve met before?
Has your foster interacted with children before, and if so, how did they react? If not, how do you think they would do in a home with a child?
How does your foster do with children 0-2 years?:
3 - 5 years
6 - 9 years
10 - 13 yeas
14 year +
Does your foster live with another dog/cat?
Would your foster be successful as an only dog?:
How is your foster with other dogs? Are they playful, fearful, calm, indifferent etc.?
Has your foster shown prey drive? Have they chased after, or tried to chase after, smaller animals like cats/birds/squirrels? (Signs of prey drive include fixating on prey from a distance, like watching squirrels or rabbits and planning the attack; stalking or tracking while approaching; lunging at and/or chasing small animals; signs of high excitement including upright and tense posture [trying to climb trees and fences], drooling, quickening of movement, upright and stiff tail)
Has your foster met cats? What was their reaction? Do you think they could be ok in a home with a cat?
Has your foster interacted with other animals (rodents, reptiles, birds etc.)?
Behavioural / Medical
Does your foster have any behavioural issues / times they’ve shown aggression or reactivity? If so, what are the circumstances when they occurred, and what strategies are helpful to address / avoid the behaviour? Examples can include resource guarding (e.g. growling at other dogs or humans around food), being territorial (e.g. barking a lot when people come into the house or their space), separation anxiety, or reactivity (e.g. barking, snarling, growling) towards other dogs/humans
Does your foster have destructive behaviours? This can include inappropriate chewing (e.g. furniture, shoes), excessive barking, counter surfing etc. If so, is it only when left alone?:
Does your foster have any medical concerns? Are they currently on any medications or have an injury/physical concerns? This can include things such as missing teeth or allergies or more serious medical concerns that your foster has seen a vet for.
Have you been in contact with your foster support person about any of the above concerns?
Environment / Living Arrangement
What is your foster’s current living arrangement? (Please also include the city/town you’re located in)
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