Cat Foster Report Foster Cat's Name Name Email Tell us about your foster! What do you and others like most about them? Cute and endearing things that would make people want to meet them? Are they litter box trained? What kind of activities or toy does your foster enjoy the most? How do they get along with your family in general? Does your foster get along with dogs? Other animals rodents reptiles birds How much does your foster shed? Do they scratch furniture? What is the cat’s temperament like? Is your foster cat allowed on the furniture? Do they sleep on the bed with you? How is your foster with being groomed (Nail clipping, ear cleaning, teeth brushing)? Please tell us your foster cats energy levels during the day (some cats are more active at night then others). Is your foster cat vocal – meows a lot throughout the day? If you were to write their bio, what would be the highlights of your foster? Is your foster ready to be adopted? Do you have any travel plans in the next 2-4 weeks? When will you be traveling (specific days)? Send